>>: Procedures > Affiliates > Setting up other affiliate types

Setting up other affiliate types

In general, affiliate types other than White Labels and Game Engine Providers are set up either by the platform owner or White Label operators, and may include: 'basic' affiliates, super affiliates, shops, managers and players. Any affiliate may be designated a sub affiliate of another affiliate. All affiliates share in the generated revenue according to the rules of the revenue scheme(s) they belong to.

This topic is aimed at platform owner admin staff who need to set up a new affiliate on the back office system. Note that there are separate topics that describe Setting up a White Label affiliate, Setting up a personal affiliate and Setting up a Game Engine Provider.

Before starting the procedure, gather the following information and items from the affiliate:

Also, determine the following details:

Follow these steps to set up an affiliate:

Create new Affiliate entry...

  1. Select Affiliate Menu > List Affiliates from the system options to display the List Affiliates screen, and click the Add button above the column headers to display the Add Affiliates pop-up screen.
  2. Enter the Affiliate Name, Code, Type (as appropriate) and Revenue Scheme details and click the Add button to save them and close the pop-up.
  3. Find and click the entry just created in the Name column to display the View Affiliate Details screen, and enter the remaining details. Click the Update button to save the changes. Note that this automatically creates an associated admin user and Marketing Code.

Complete Marketing Code entry details....

  1. Click the Marketing Codes link in the Affiliate details grid at the top of the screen to display the List Marketing Codes screen. Observe that a Marketing Code for the affiliate has been automatically created with default values. Note that further default Marketing Codes are added when brands are created for the affiliate - see steps 9, 10 and 11 below.
  2. If values other than the defaults are required, click the Marketing Code entry in the Code column to display its details in the View Marketing Code Details screen, make the changes and click the Update button to save them and return to the previous screen.

Update and create new affiliate user entries...

  1. Click the Users link in the Affiliate details grid at the top of the screen to display the List Affiliate Users screen. Observe that an admin user, having the same name as the Affiliate and membership of group ‘Affiliate’, has been automatically created and enabled.
  2. Click this admin user entry in the User Id column to display its details in the Manage User screen. Change the name to the principal administrator of the Affiliate and enter the remaining details. Click the Update button to save the changes and return to the previous screen.
  3. If required, create another admin user: click the Add button and create the user with minimal details. Click the Manage link in the Member of Group(s) column of the new user to display the List User Groups screen and tick the Selected column for 'Affiliate'. Click the Update button to save the changes and return to the previous screen. Click this admin user entry in the User Id column to display its details in the Manage User screen and enter the remaining details, ensuring that he/she belongs to the new affiliate. Click the Update button to save the changes and return to the previous screen.

Create affiliate brand(s)...

  1. Select Affiliate Menu > List Brands from the system options to display the List Brands screen, and click the Add button above the column headers to display the Add Additional Brands pop-up screen.
  2. Enter the Brand Name, Code and Description, and select the new affiliate's name from the drop-down list, then click the Add button to save them and close the pop-up.
  3. Find and click the entry just created in the Name column to display the View Brand Details screen, and enter the remaining details, including the Additional Options selected from the Branding Options section. Click the Update button to save the changes and return to the previous screen. Repeat steps 9 to 11 for each additional brand. Note that default Marketing Codes for Admin (ADM), Send To Friend (STF) and Web (WEB) are automatically created for the brand.

Create Sub Affiliate(s), if required...

  1. Select Affiliate Menu > List Affiliates from the system options to display the List Affiliates screen, then find and click the new affiliate entry (created in steps 1 to 3) in the Name column to display the View Affiliate Details screen.
  2. Tick the Allow Sub Affiliate Registration checkbox in the Main section, which indicates that the affiliate can have sub affiliates, then click the Update button at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Click the Sub Affiliates link in the Affiliate details grid at the top of the screen to display the List Affiliates screen below the grid, and click the Add button above the column headers to display the Add Affiliates pop-up screen. Note that the Add button is only displayed if the checkbox described in step 13 is ticked.
  4. Enter the Sub Affiliate Name, Code, Type and Revenue Scheme details and click the Add button to save them and close the pop-up. Complete the details for the Sub Affiliate as previously described in step 3. Repeat steps 12 to 15 for each additional sub affiliate.
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