>>: Affiliates > Affiliate Menu options > List Affiliates > View Marketing Code Details

View Marketing Code Details

Use this screen to view or update the details of a marketing code belonging to an affiliate. To access the screen, click an entry in the Code column of the List Marketing Codes screen.

The grid at the top of the screen offers links to specific information about the associated affiliate. Click a link to display the information below the grid for each of the following: Details, Sub Affiliates, Transactions, Invoices, Statistics, Payment Methods, Payments, Revenue Runs, Reports, Cash, RR Line Items, Emails, Marketing Codes, Revenue Snapshots, Brands, Channels, Users, Overview.

The fields on this screen have the following properties:

Field Properties
Marketing Code

Unique code for the marketing group, the value of which should reflect both the affiliate and brand.

Description Meaningful description of the marketing code.
Brand Brand name, selected from a list.
Playing Profile Playing profile, selected from a list, for example: 'Kiosk profile', 'Client X profile'.
Type Marketing code type, selected from a list, for example: 'Online Landing Page Link', 'Smartphone Landing Page Link'.
Game Game, selected from a list, for example: 'Roulette', 'BlackJack'.

Click the Display Available Banner Ads for this Marketing Code link at the top of this screen to display the View Marketing Code Banner Adverts screen.

Change the details of the marketing code, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to abandon the update and return to the previous screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:26