>>: Affiliates > Affiliate Menu options > List Affiliates > Statistics

View Affiliate Detail Statistics

Use this screen to view various statistics relating to an affiliate over a specified period of time. To access the screen, click the Statistics link in the affiliate details grid - see below.

The grid at the top of the screen offers links to specific information about the associated affiliate. Click a link to display the information below the grid for each of the following: Details, Sub Affiliates, Transactions, Invoices, Statistics, Payment Methods, Payments, Revenue Runs, Reports, Cash, RR Line Items, Emails, Marketing Codes, Revenue Snapshots, Brands, Channels, Users, Overview.

Enter the data range required for Period, Affiliate, Brand, Marketing Code, and Currency. Tick the checkboxes of the statistics to show, then click the View button at the bottom of the screen. The first two sets of statistics, Currency Conversion Rates and Income from Games, are always generated. Further sets are generated as specified by the checkboxes. These sets are the same as those described for the System Statistics screen, except they are based on a single affiliate.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:26