>>: Admin utilities > Admin Utilities menu options > View System Statistics

View System Statistics

Use this screen to view various system statistics for a specified range of data. To access the screen, select Admin Utilities > System Statistics from the system options.

Enter the data range required for Period, Affiliate, Brand, Marketing Code, and Currency.

The Currency drop-down selection has the following values and effects:

Value Notes and effect
'Combined' The default selection. You must also select the Base Currency, which defaults to the system base currency, and is the currency where the Currency ID =1. This selection uses the 'current' exchange rates to convert currency values to the selected Base Currency and presents all data in that currency. Note the on-screen warning : 'Combined Currency view is susceptible to rounding differences and changes in currency exchange rates'. Read about Currency conversion for more information about these potential anomalies.
Currency, for example 'Euros' Select a specific currency to include only transactions of that currency in the statistics.
'All' Select 'All' to include transactions of all currencies in the statistics, with a tab provided for each currency.

Tick the checkboxes of the statistics to show, then click the View button at the bottom of the selection area. The Currency Conversion Rates statistic set is only shown if you selected 'Combined' currencies above, but the Income from Games set is always generated.

Further sets are generated as specified by the checkboxes. Information about each statistic set is noted below:

Currency Conversion Rates set
Item Properties
Currency code 'Current' exchange rate against the selected base currency.


Income from Games set
Item Properties
Game For example 'Ezugi-3 (A)?'. Click a game name in this column to display the View Game Stats screen as a pop-up. Click the bracketed 'A' in this column to display the List Game Stats Actions screen as a pop-up. Hover over the '%' sign in this column to show the percentage Affiliate Game Provider Charge and percentage GEP Game Provider Charge for the associated game as a tooltip.
Value data Amount Bet, Amount Won, Amount Lost, RTP and Income figures shown are Gross, Bonus Only or Net, depending on the option selected to the right of the section header.


External System Transfers set (Transfers checkbox)
Item Properties
System External system to and from money is transferred.
Value data Amount Out, Amount In and Delta.


Payments Received set (Payments checkbox)
Item Properties
Payment Provider Click a provider name in this column to display the List Payment Method Transactions screen for the associated provider and payment method as a pop-up. Hover over the '%' sign in this column to show the Payment Provider Payout Cost: n.nn per transaction plus n.nn% for the associated payment provider as a tooltip.
Value data Number of Transactions, Paid In Amount, One off Cost per Transaction, % Cost per Transaction, Net Amount.


Charge Backs set (Payments checkbox)
Item Properties
Payment Provider Click a provider name in this column to display the List Payment Method Transactions screen for the associated provider and payment method as a pop-up. Hover over the '%' sign in this column to show the Payment Provider Payout Cost: n.nn per transaction plus n.nn% for the associated payment provider as a tooltip.
Value data Number of Transactions, Paid In Amount, One off Cost per Transaction, % Cost per Transaction, Net Amount.


Payouts set (Payments checkbox)
Item Properties
Payment Provider Click a provider name in this column to display the List Payment Method Transactions screen for the associated provider and payment method as a pop-up. Hover over the '%' sign in this column to show the Payment Provider Payout Cost: n.nn per transaction plus n.nn% for the associated payment provider as a tooltip.
Value data Pending At Start Date, Pending Payouts Paid, Pending Payouts Canceled, New Requested Payouts, New Payouts Paid, New Payouts Canceled, Pending at End Date.


Test Payments set (Test Payments checkbox)
Item Properties
Payment Provider Click an entry in this column to display the List Payment Method Transactions screen for the associated provider and payment method as a pop-up.
Value data Amount. This figure is available for reporting purposes, but no money is actually paid.


Adjustments set (Adjustments checkbox)
Item Properties
Adjustments Click an entry in this column to display the View Current Adjustments screen for the associated adjustment type as a pop-up.
Value data Amount.


Player Balances set (Player Balances checkbox)
Item Properties
Player Balances Key dates for balance, for example Start Date and End Date.
Value data Cashable and Total amounts (and the delta values between dates).


Ledger Entry Breakdown set (Ledger Entry Breakdown checkbox)
Item Properties
Type For example 'Bonus'.
Value data Amount.


Jackpot Information set (Jackpots checkbox)
Item Properties
Jackpot Name For example 'Poker Jackpot'.
Value data Amount Paid Out, Amount Currently in Pot.


Bonusing set (Bonuses checkbox)
Item Properties
Bonus Name For example 'P5ADM'. Click an entry in this column to display the List Stats Incentive Scheme Uses screen for the associated bonus as a pop-up.
Awarded Value awarded. Click an entry in this column to display the List Stats Incentive Scheme Awards screen for the associated bonus as a pop-up.
Value data Wagered - All: Used, Won and NGR. Wagered - Cancelled: Used, Won and NGR. Spent Out, Expired, Fulfilled.


Misc Statistics set (Misc Stats checkbox)
Item Properties
Name For example 'Registrations', 'Active Players'.
Value data Amount.


Game Type Summary set (Game Type Totals checkbox)
Item Properties
Game Type For example 'External Mobile Fixed Odds'.
Value data Game Bet, Game Won, RTP, Income figures shown are Gross, Bonus Only or Net, depending on the option selected to the right of the section header.


Game Category Summary set (Game Type Totals checkbox)
Item Properties
Game Category For example 'Bingo'.
Value data Game Bet, Game Won, RTP, Income figures shown are Gross, Bonus Only or Net, depending on the option selected to the right of the section header.


Game Category/Type Summary set (Game Type Totals checkbox)
Item Properties
Game Category/Type For example 'External Fixed Odds/Bingo'.
Value data Game Bet, Game Won, RTP, Income figures shown are Gross, Bonus Only or Net, depending on the option selected to the right of the section header.


Game Provider Summary set (Show Game Provider Totals checkbox)
Item Properties
Game Provider For example 'Ezugi'.
Value data Game Bet, Game Won, RTP, Income figures shown are Gross, Bonus Only or Net, depending on the option selected to the right of the section header.


Income from Games set with extra columns (Show Average Bet Stats checkbox)
Item Properties
Game For example 'Ezugi-3 (A)?'. Click a game name in this column to display the View Game Stats screen as a pop-up. Click the bracketed 'A' in this column to display the List Game Stats Actions screen as a pop-up. Hover over the '%' sign in this column to show the percentage Affiliate Game Provider Charge and percentage GEP Game Provider Charge for the associated game as a tooltip.
Value data No Of Bets, Avg Stake, Amount Bet Amount Won, Amount Lost, RTP, Income figures shown are Gross, Bonus Only or Net, depending on the option selected to the right of the section header.
2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30