>>: Marketing > Marketing Menu options > List Brands > View Brand Details

View Brand Details

Use this screen to view or update brand details. To access the screen, click an entry in the Name column of the List Brands screen.

The fields on this screen are grouped into a number of sections, and have the following properties:

Branding Details section
Field Properties
Name Meaningful name for the brand.
Code Meaningful identifier, unique to the brand.
Description Meaningful description of the brand.
Icon Image Brand ion image, and path to its location.
Email Address Email address of the brand contact, usually the support person or team.
Brand License Type of license for this brand, selected from: 'Default', 'Standard - Non Licensed', 'AGCC-xx'.
Affiliate Manages Helpdesk If ticked, indicates that the owning affiliate manages the helpdesk of this brand.
Owning Affiliate Affiliate that owns this brand, selected from a list. Click the View Affiliate link to display the View Affiliate Details screen.
Account Holding Brand Brand that holds the account, selected from a list. Brands may have a number of different URLs but all belong to a single account.
Theme This feature is no longer used.
Default Language Default language of this brand, selected from a list.
Default Profile Default profile for this brand, selected from a list.
Currency Currency for this brand, selected from a list that includes 'Use Default'. If the Allow Override on Registration checkbox is ticked, this can be changed at that time.
Default Web URL Default URL of the website.
Default Smartphone URL Default URL of the mobile website.
Default Static Resources URL Default URL of static resources, such as images.
Default WAP URL Default URL of WAP mobile website.
Messages From Text to show as source of messages. This can be typed in or a suitable internationalised string code selected by clicking the ellipsis button to the right. See Internationalised strings for more information.
Mobile Link Text Text to show with mobile links. This can be typed in or a suitable internationalised string code selected by clicking the ellipsis button to the right. See Internationalised strings for more information.
Status Status of brand, selected from a list: 'In Development', 'Invisible', 'Ready', 'Live', 'Live SSL', 'Withdrawals Only', 'Blocked', 'Closing', 'Closed'.


Branding Options section
Field Properties
Settings Click the View Smartphone Portal link to display the brand's mobile website in a new browser tab. Click the View Web Portal link to display the brand's website in a new browser tab.
Branded Games If ticked, indicates that the branded session of the game is shown, for example when it is being loaded.
Branded Portal If ticked, indicates that game brand content may be pulled in to a CMS website using WebDav .
Enable WebDav If ticked, indicates that WebDav is enabled, which allows clients to perform remote Web content authoring operations.
Use I18 for Portal Internationalisation standard no longer used.
Enable Data API If ticked, indicates that the platform API is enabled to support external service calls.
External Site URL Root URL of the external site or CMS, for example 'https://www.example.com'.
Allow Sportsbook If ticked, indicates that the platform Sportsbook is enabled. Sportsbook requires extra server power and shows third party feed data, so is only included for controlled implementations.
Include Platform Analytics If ticked, indicates that google analytics are included for the platform, using an AliQuantum tracking code.
Include Brand Analytics If ticked, indicates that google analytics are included for the platform, but specified by the White Label operator, who generally have their own google tracking code.
Manage Alternate URLs for this Brand Click option to display the List Brand URLs screen for the selected brand.
Manage Country/Currency Overrides for this Brand Click option to display the List Brand Country Currency Overrides screen for the selected brand.
Manage Email Templates for this Brand Click option to display the List Email Templates screen for the selected brand.
Manage SEO for this Brand Click option to display the Manage Brand SEO screen for the selected brand.
Manage URI Abbreviations for this Brand Click option to display the Manage Brand URI Abbreviations screen for the selected brand.
Manage Banner Ads for this Brand Click option to display the List Brand Banner Adverts screen for the selected brand.
Manage Content Items for this Brand Click the Lists link to display the List Brand Content List Items screen for the selected brand. Click Items link to display the List Brand Content Items screen for the selected brand.
Manage Workflow for this Brand Click option to display the List Brand Workflows screen for the selected brand.
Manage Bonuses for this Brand Click option to display the List Brand Bonus Schemes screen for the selected brand.
View Page Views for this Brand Click option to display the View Brand Page Views Overview screen for the selected brand.
View Game lists for this Brand Click option to display the List Brand Game Lists screen for the selected brand.
Manage Facts for this Brand Click option to display the List Brand Facts screen for the selected brand.
Manage Bulk Email Runs Click option to display the List Brand Bulk Email Runs screen for the selected brand.


Allowable Options section
Field Properties
Allowable Game Groups Selectable list of game groups that can be associated with the brand.
Allowable Countries Selectable list of countries that the brand is allowed to be marketed in.
Allowable Languages Selectable list of languages that the brand is allowed to be marketed in.

Make multiple selections by clicking with the Ctrl key pressed.

Change the details of the brand, then click the Update button to store them. Click the browser Back button to abandon the update and return to the previous screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:28