>>: Marketing > Marketing Menu options > List Brands > List Brand Banner Adverts

List Brand Banner Adverts

Use this screen to list details of banner adverts for a brand. To access the screen, click the Manage Banner Ads for this Brand link in the Branding Options section of the View Brand Details screen.

Data for each banner advert is listed, divided into sections. Click the Add button at the top of the screen to display the Add Banner Adverts pop-up screen.

The left half of each section displays a preview of the banner advert. To change it, specify a new banner and path using the Choose File button, then click the Update button.

The right half of each section shows details about the banner advert. Note that the width and height values (in pixels) are specified because advert sizes are typically of a predetermined size in order to fit the available advertising spaces in the margins, header or footer of a web page. Change the details of the advert, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to abandon the update and return to the previous screen. Click the Delete button to delete the brand banner advert. Click the View Banner Ad Marketing Codes link to display the List Brand Banner Ad Marketing Codes screen for the selected brand banner.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:29