A number of back office system screens have entry fields that give you the option of choosing an Internationalised string using the adjacent ellipsis button, instead of entering text. When an Internationalised string is used, the field value can be displayed by the system in a language appropriate to the country in which it is being viewed.
For example, the View Game Details screen has a Description field with an ellipsis button to the right of it. You can either enter a description for the game in the field, or click the ellipsis button and select a key/default value from a pop-up screen, such as 'Desc_Blackjack / Blackjack - beat the dealer at 21s!'. Fields that store an Internationalised string show the string key preceded by the percentage sign (%). Translations are stored in a database table for each language available to the system.
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2017 AliQuantum Gaming v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:31 |