>>: Procedures > Affiliates > Setting up a personal affiliate

Setting up a personal affiliate

Personal affiliates are players that have been given personal affiliate status, which means that they can bring traffic to the system, access parts of the back office, and share in the generated revenue according to the rules of the revenue scheme(s) they belong to. When set up, personal affiliates retain the brand they were allocated as a player, and so effectively become sub affiliates to the owner of that brand.

This topic is aimed at platform owner admin staff who need to set up a new personal affiliate on the back office system.

Before starting the procedure, gather the following information and items from the player:

Also, determine the following details:

Follow these steps to set up a personal affiliate:

Create new Personal Affiliate entry...

  1. Select Main Menu > List Accounts from the system options to display the List Accounts (Web View) screen.
  2. Find and click the required player entry in the ID, Login or Email column to display the View Account Details screen.
  3. Click the Create Personal Affiliate button adjacent to the Affiliate field in the Info section to create a new affiliate with a name based on that of the account, and link the account to it. Note that this automatically creates an associated admin user and default Marketing Code.
  4. Click the name in the Affiliate field to display the View Affiliate Details screen for the new personal affiliate, and complete the remaining details. Click the Update button to save the changes.

Update related personal affiliate user entry...

  1. Click the Users link in the Affiliate details grid at the top of the screen to display the List Affiliate Users screen. Observe that an admin user, having the same name as the Affiliate and membership of group ‘Affiliate’, has been automatically created and enabled.
  2. Click this admin user entry in the User Id column to display its details in the Manage User screen. Change the name to that of the player and enter the remaining details. Click the Update button to save the changes and return to the previous screen.

After set up, communicate the following information to the player:

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