>>: Player accounts > Main Menu options > List Accounts (Web View)

List Accounts (Web View)

Use this screen to list and maintain details of player accounts registered on the platform. To access the screen, select Main Menu > List Accounts from the system options.

Each row shows summary values of a player account. If required, limit the number of rows displayed by setting the filter options at the top of the screen, and/or entering partial search strings in the fields below the filter options, then click the Search button. Note: queries are included in the filter's query drop-down list if the Account List checkbox on the query's Allow this query to be used in the following places section of its Details screen is ticked - see Report menu locations for more information.

Note that for users other than those assigned the highest level of authorisation, the email address is partially obscured by asterisks to ensure that it cannot be scraped for unauthorised use.

Click an entry in the ID, Login or Email column to display the View Account Details screen for the associated player.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:23