>>: Affiliates > Affiliate Menu options > Affiliate Overview

Affilate Overview

Use this screen to view and manage the hierarchy or 'tree' of your entity's affiliate structure. To access the screen, select Affiliate Menu > Affiliate Overview from the system options.

By default the hierarchy includes affiliates of status 'In Use' and brand status 'All', but you can change this be selecting the filtering options at the top of the screen. Also, use the link to the right of these options to choose whether to Expand or Collapse all the entries in the tree.

Icons are used throughout the structure to indicate the status of nodes: Live, Closed, Ready, In Development, Applied.

The first line in the structure, representing your entity's affiliate, shows the affiliate balance and balance of all its sub affiliates. To add funds to your affiliate's balance, enter an amount in the Fund field then click the Fund button. Hover over the affiliate name to show the associated Revenue Scheme as a tooltip. Click the affiliate name to display the View Affiliate Details screen as a pop-up. Click the Items link to display the List Affiliate Cash Transaction screen as a pop-up.

The main nodes of the structure show details of Brands, Kiosks, Marketing Codes, Users and Sub Affiliates, where these exist for the operator, as follows:

Click the Manage link to display the List Brands screen as a pop-up.
The tree lists all brands belonging to the affiliate. Click a brand name to display the View Brand Details screen as a pop-up.
The tree lists all marketing codes belonging to each brand. Click a marketing code to display the View Marketing Code Details screen as a pop-up. Click the affiliate name this marketing code is allocated to, to display the View Affiliate Details screen as a pop-up.

Click the Manage link to display the List Kiosks screen as a pop-up.
The tree lists all kiosks belonging to the affiliate. Click a kiosk name to display the View Kiosk Details screen as a pop-up. Click the brand name associated with the kiosk to display the View Brand Details screen as a pop-up.

Marketing Codes
Click the Manage link to display the List Marketing Codes screen as a pop-up.
The tree lists all marketing codes belonging to the affiliate. Click a marketing code to display the View Marketing Code Details screen as a pop-up. Click the brand name to which the marketing code is allocated to display the View Brand Details screen as a pop-up. Click the Flag icon to display the View Marketing Code Banner Adverts screen as a pop-up. Click the Impressions link to display the List Brand Banner Ad Impressions screen as a pop-up. Click the Clickthroughs link to display the List Brand Banner Ad Clickthroughs screen as a pop-up.

Click the Manage link to display the List Users screen as a pop-up.
The tree lists all users belonging to the affiliate. Click a user name to display the Manage User screen as a pop-up.

Sub Affiliates
Click the Manage link to display the List Affiliates screen as a pop-up.
The tree lists all sub affiliates belonging to your entity's affiliate, and all Brands, Kiosks, Marketing Codes, Users and Sub Affiliates belonging to those sub affiliates in the same way as (for the affiliate) above. If defined as a 'Cash Affiliate' in the View Affiliate Details screen, the sub affiliate shows the affiliate cash balance and cash balance of all its sub affiliates, and provides the ability to add funds to the sub affiliate's balance, also as (for the affiliate) above. In addition, you can transfer cash funds to or from the parent affiliate. Enter an amount to transfer in the field provided, then click the Transfer button. To transfer funds from the parent to the sub affiliate, enter a positive '+' amount, and to transfer funds from the sub affiliate to the parent, enter a negative '-' amount. Note that cash fund transfers are recorded in cash ledgers shown on the List Cash Ledgers screen.
Note that payments arising from revenue runs may be distributed a number of levels down the affiliate hierarchy, depending on the value of the Depth field in the Commission Structure section of the View Revenue Scheme Details screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:25