>>: Player accounts > Main Menu options > List Kiosks

List Kiosks

Use this screen to list and maintain details of kiosks, which are physical terminals managed by the platform. To access the screen, select Main Menu > List Kiosks from the system options.

Each row shows summary values of a kiosk. If required, limit the number of rows displayed by setting the filter options at the top of the screen, then click the Search button.

To add a kiosk, click the Add button at the top of the screen to display the Add Kiosk pop-up screen.

Click a name entry in the Name column to display the View Kiosk Details screen for the associated kiosk. Click the Printer icon in the Name column to print details about the kiosk.

Possible values in the Status column are: 'In Use', 'Deposit Made', 'Open', 'Closed', 'Locked'.

For kiosks with status 'Open', a Close button is displayed next to it - click the button to change the status to 'Closed' and if a balance exists display the Cashin button and Transfer icon in the right-most column. Click the Cashin button to set the balance to zero and remove all entries in the column. Click the Transfer icon to display the Transfer From Kiosk To Account screen.

For kiosks with status 'Closed', an Open button is displayed next to it - click the button to change the status to 'Open' and redisplay the Deposit field and button in the right-most column.

For kiosks with status 'Locked', an Unlock button is displayed next to it - click the button to change the status to 'Open'.

To add funds to a kiosk, enter an amount in the right-most column then click the adjacent Deposit button. A Printer icon then appears next to the button - click the icon to print a receipt for the deposit made.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:25