>>: Procedures > Help Desk > Managing Help Desk entries

Managing Help Desk entries

Most Help Desk entries are system generated as a result of actions or emails by players, or in response to a player or game activity. Authorised users automatically receive an email alert when an entry is created, and also get an alert for a change of Status, Title and Type, if relevant options are ticked in the Manage User screen.

This topic is aimed at staff of platform owners and White Label operators who respond to and manage Help Desk entries.

Follow these steps to add a Help Desk entry manually:

  1. Select Help Desk Menu > New Help Desk Entry from the system options to display the New Help Desk Entry screen.
  2. Enter the basic Help Desk entry details, then click the Add button to save them. Note that the screen remains displayed for additional entries.
  3. Select Help Desk Menu > List Outstanding Entries from the system options to display the List Outstanding Entries screen.
  4. Find and click the entry just created in the Title column (it should be at the top of the list) to display the Update Help Desk Entry screen, and enter the remaining details. Ensure you change the status to 'In Progress', and assign the entry to an affiliate (if appropriate) and individual. Click the Update & Finish button to save the changes and return to the previous screen.

Follow these steps to list Help Desk entries:

  1. Depending on the assignment and status of entries you want to see, do one of the following:

Follow these steps to respond to a Help Desk entry:

  1. List relevant Help Desk entries (as described in the procedure above) and click a link in the Title column, or click the link in the email alert sent to you, to display the Update Help Desk Entry screen.
  2. Refer to the topic about Help Desk entry actions for the recommended response for the Help Desk entry in question.
  3. Add a descriptive note in the free text field of the More Information section, then click the Add Detail button to store it (in the Added Details section below).
  4. If appropriate, change the status of the entry, then click the Update & Finish button to store all details and return to the previous screen.
  5. If a player is affected by your actions, email him/her the details and outcome.

Follow these steps to reassign Help Desk entries:

  1. Individual entries can be reassigned by changing the Assigned To field on the Update Help Desk Entry screen, as described above. However, to transfer ownership of all entries from one user to another, for example if the original recipient is unavailable to handle Help Desk issues, select Help Desk Menu > Reassign Help Desk Entries from the system options to display the Reassign Help Desk Entries screen, then select user names in the From User and To User drop-down lists, and click the Reassign button.

Note that:

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