>>: Help desk > Help Desk Menu options > List Outstanding Entries

List Outstanding Entries

Use this screen to list all Help Desk entries that have yet to be resolved. To access the screen, select Help Desk Menu > List Outstanding Entries from the system options.

Each row shows summary values of a Help Desk entry including its status and who (if anyone) it is assigned to.

The list does not automatically update, therefore if you are monitoring entries and leave the screen open for some time, click the Refresh link above the column entries to update the list.

Help desk emails are automatically filtered to ensure that machine generated and bounced messages are ignored. The system does this by searching incoming messages for a number of stored phrases which are maintained in the IGNORE_EMAIL_STRINGS and BOUNCED EMAIL STRINGS properties accessed using Utility Menu > Common Parameters > Server Properties. When a situation arises that necessitates adding a new entry in one of these properties, you may then need to apply the filtering properties retrospectively to clear out entries you don't want. To do this, click the Run Cleanup On Open Entries link.

Click an entry in the Title column to display the Update Help Desk Entry screen. If you have sufficient authorisation, click the Close link in the Assigned To column to quickly set the status of the entry to 'Closed' and remove it from the list. You might want to do this, for instance, if it is apparent that the entry can be dismissed without investigation.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:29