>>: Help desk > Help Desk Menu options > List Affiliate Outstanding Entries

List Affiliate Outstanding Entries

Use this screen to list unresolved Help Desk entries owned by one or all affiliates. To access the screen for a specific affiliate, click an entry in the Affiliate column of the List Affiliate Help Desk Queues screen, else select Help Desk Menu > List Affiliate Outstanding Entries from the system options.

Note that an affiliate has a Help Desk queue if one or more of its brands has the Affiliate Manages Helpdesk checkbox ticked on the View Brand Details screen.

Each row shows summary values of an affiliate Help Desk entry including its status and who (if anyone) it is assigned to.

Click an entry in the Title column to display the Update Help Desk Entry screen. If you have sufficient authorisation, click the Close link in the Assigned To column to quickly set the status of the entry to 'Closed' and remove it from the list. You might want to do this, for instance, if it is apparent that the entry can be dismissed without investigation.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:29