>>: Procedures > Player accounts > Setting up a player account

Setting up a player account

Players normally register using a long or short form on an affiliate website and are required to provide minimal details: name, date of birth, email address. The player's Marketing Code is usually already derived at this stage from the method that directed him/her to the site. A follow up email then requests that they provide further information via a link, such as their postal address, payment details, acceptance of Terms and Conditions and so on, before their account can be prepared for use. Therefore, to set up a player account from scratch requires an account to be added and then completed, but to set up a player who has already registered (and possibly provided further information) only requires the account details to be completed. Alternative payment methods may also be added following this. Note that the KYC (Know Your Customer) test generally only needs to be carried out the first time a player requests a payout/cashout. Players are sent an email requesting the information required to verify the account.

This topic is aimed at admin staff of platform owners and White Label operators who need to set up and manage player accounts.

Before completing the player's full details, you may need to gather the following information and items from the player:

Also, determine the following details:

Follow these steps to add a player account:

  1. Select Main Menu > Add Account from the system options to display the Add Account screen.
  2. Enter the details required then click the Add Account button to save them and close the pop-up.

Follow these steps to complete a player account:

  1. Select Main Menu > List Accounts from the system options to display the List Accounts (Web View) screen.
  2. Find and click the required player entry in the ID, Login or Email column to display the View Account Details screen.
  3. Complete the details then click the Update button to store them.

Follow these steps to add a payment method to a player account:

  1. Select Main Menu > List Accounts from the system options to display the List Accounts (Web View) screen.
  2. Find and click the required player entry in the ID, Login or Email column to display the View Account Details screen.
  3. Click the Payments link in the grid at the top of the screen to display the View Account Payments screen.
  4. Select a Payment Method from the drop-down list below the grid, then click the Add button.
  5. Click the payment method in the Type column of the list below to display the View Account Payment Method Details screen.
  6. Tick the Allowed checkbox and enter the payment method account details then click the Update button to store them.

Following the procedure to complete a player account, the player is automatically sent an email to say that the account is set up and ready to use.

Note that:

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