>>: Procedures > Player account procedures

Player account procedures

The following table lists documented procedures about Player accounts.

Procedure topic Includes
Setting up a player account Adding a player account
Completing a player account
Adding a payment method to a player account
Importing player data Importing player data from a GEP
Importing player data from a marketing affiliate
Managing player accounts

Listing player accounts
Viewing or updating the details of a player account
Barring and unbarring a player account

Adding test money to a test account Adding test money to a test account
Crediting a player with a missing win Crediting a player with a missing win
Managing player cashouts Validating a pending cashout
Canceling a pending cashout
Processing a pending cashout
Recording a pending cashout as manually processed
Managing playing profiles Listing playing profiles
Adding a playing profile
Viewing or updating the details of a playing profile
Deleting a playing profile
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v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:22