>>: Procedures > Player accounts > Managing player cashouts

Managing player cashouts

A player can always request some or all of his/her available funds to be paid out - a process known as a cashout. Available funds are shown on the player's cashout page, and may be restricted due to wagering requirements, or for other reasons. All cashouts are displayed on the platform's List Pending Payouts screen, and if a cashout needs to be validated, meaning that the player's KYC identity test has not yet been performed (and passed), then an alert is also sent to the Help Desk to attend to this.

Note that although entries are referred to as 'pending' payouts, funds have already been transferred automatically at this stage, except for those cashouts that are awaiting validation. 'Processing' an entry means to record that payment in the player's ledger.

This topic is aimed at platform owner admin and Help Desk staff who are authorised to manage system payments.

Follow these steps to validate a pending cashout:

  1. Select Admin Utilities > Pending Cashouts from the system options to display the List Pending Payouts screen.
  2. For the cashout entry in question, where the checkbox in the Validated column is blank, click the entry in the Account column to access the View Account Details screen.
  3. Click the KYC link next to the Validated Flag checkbox in the Info section to display the View Account KYC screen, which shows identification information about the player retrieved from the given personal data provider.
  4. Click the Perform ProvID_KYC Search button to retrieve the information again (note: there is generally a charge for each request), or enter a manually obtained reference in the field provided and click the Update ProveID_KYC Reference button to store it.
  5. Click the browser Back button twice to return to the List Pending Payouts screen, and the Validated checkbox of the cashout entry in question should now be ticked.

Follow these steps to cancel a pending cashout:

  1. Select Admin Utilities > Pending Cashouts from the system options to display the List Pending Payouts screen.
  2. Find and click the required cashout entry in the Date Requested column to display the View Pending Payment Details screen.
  3. Click the Cancel Payment button to cancel the cashout payment. If the cashout was awaiting validation, the entry is simply deleted, otherwise a reverse entry is put in the player's ledger (as the payment will already have been made, as explained in the introduction to this topic).

Follow these steps to process a pending cashout:

  1. Select Admin Utilities > Pending Cashouts from the system options to display the List Pending Payouts screen.
  2. Find and click the required cashout entry in the Date Requested column to display the View Pending Payment Details screen.
  3. Click the Process Payment button to put an appropriate entry in the player's ledger (as the payment will already have been made, as explained in the introduction to this topic). Note that this button is only shown if the player's KYC Validated Flag is ticked (shown on the List Pending Payments and the View Account Details screen).

Follow these steps to record a pending cashout as manually processed:

  1. Select Admin Utilities > Pending Cashouts from the system options to display the List Pending Payouts screen.
  2. Find and click the required cashout entry in the Date Requested column to display the View Pending Payment Details screen.
  3. Enter the Authorisation Code provided for the payment, then click the Manually Processed button to record the payment in the player's ledger.
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