>>: Admin utilities > Admin Utilities menu options > List Pending Payouts

List Pending Payouts

Use this screen to list cashouts, which are payments requested by a player from funds to his/her payment provider, that require verification by an admin user. Note that although entries are referred to as 'pending' payouts, funds have already been transferred at this stage, unless awaiting validation. To access the screen, select Admin Utilities > Pending Cashouts from the system options.

Each row shows summary values of a player cashout. Checkboxes in the Validated column reflect the value of the player's KYC Validated Flag on the View Account Details screen. Click an entry in the Date Requested column to display the View Pending Payment Details screen for the associated payment. Click an entry in the Account column to display the View Account Details screen for the selected account. Click an entry in the Payment Method column to display the Account Payment Method Details screen for the selected payment method.

Note that the value of the Cashouts fields in the Usage section of the View Payment Provider Details screen determine whether a request requires admin verification, and in those cases, a Help Desk entry is also automatically created - see the Help desk overview.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30