>>: Admin utilities > Admin Utilities menu options > Pending Cashouts > View Pending Payout Details

View Pending Payout Details

Use this screen to view and manage the details of a player's cashout that requires verification, and update the player's ledger. To access the screen, click an entry in the Date Requested column of the List Pending Payments screen.

Note that the value of the Cashouts fields in the Usage section of the View Payment Provider Details screen determine whether a request requires admin verification. Note also that funds have already been transferred at this stage, except for cashouts awaiting validation.

The fields on this screen have the following properties:

Field Properties
Payment Method Requested Payment method the player has requested for this payout. If an eWallet is used with the provider, its balance is shown in brackets.
User's Name Full name of the player to receive the payout.
User's Address details A number of address related fields.
Players Current Balance Current balance of funds of the player. An indication of the cashable amount, taking into account wagering requirements, is shown in brackets.
Date Requested Date player requested the cashout.
Amount to be Processed Amount (and currency) the player requested to be paid out.

Click View Account Details above the screen fields to display the View Account Details screen for the associated account. Click View Payment Method Details above the screen fields to display the View Account Payment Method Details screen for the associated payment method. Click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

You can apply actions to cashouts from this screen, as follows:

Action Notes
Cancel payment Click the Cancel Payment button to cancel the payment. This puts a reverse entry in the player's ledger, as the payment has already been made.
Process payment Click the Process Payment button to put an appropriate entry in the player's ledger, as the payment has already been made. Note that this button is only shown if the player's KYC Validated Flag is ticked (shown on the List Pending Payments and the View Account Details screen).
Record as manually processed Enter the Authorisation Code provided for the payment, then click the Manually Processed button to record the payment in the player's ledger.
2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30