>>: Utilities > Utility Menu options > List Payment Methods > View Payment Method Details

View Payment Method Details

Use this screen to view or update the details of a payment method. To access the screen, click an entry in the Name column of the List Payment Methods screen.

The fields on this screen are grouped into a number of sections, and have the following properties:

Details section
Field Properties
Name Name of the payment method.
User Friendly Name User friendly name of the payment method. This can be typed in or a suitable internationalised string code selected by clicking the ellipsis button to the right. See Internationalised strings for more information.
User Friendly Description User friendly description of the payment method. This can be typed in or a suitable internationalised string code selected by clicking the ellipsis button to the right. See Internationalised strings for more information.
Icon Image Shows the icon image to represent the payment method, plus file path and name.
Interface Class Path to the Java class package which defines how the payment method operates.
Whitelist List of IP addresses from which the user is allowed to use the payment method, delimited by commas. An asterisk '*' means unrestricted.
URL URL for the server side script of the payment method/provider.
Userid Userid to access the payment method/provider.
Password Password to access the payment method/provider.
Pending Transaction Expiry Delay (Days) Number of days a transaction may remain pending before it expires.
Currency Payment method currency, selected from a list. The fields also lists ledger balances in each available currency. Click a currency to display the List Ledger Entries screen.
Settlement Info Settlement rules, all selected from lists, for: Type, Settlement Period Type, Settlement Period in Days, Settlement Period Offset.
Live If ticked, indicates that the payment method is live and available.

Payment Method Costs section
Field Properties
One Off Cost Per Transaction Charge to deposit and cashout for each transaction.
Percentage Cost Per Transaction Percentage cost to deposit and cashout for each transaction.
Minimum Amount Minimum deposit and cashout amounts.
Wager Multiplier Requirement The number of times a payment by this method must be staked before it can be withdrawn, perhaps because the cost of the method warrants it, or simply to prevent money laundering. See Wagering requirements for more information.
Chargeback Fee Provider fee to make a chargeback.


Usage section
Field Properties
Deposits Checkboxes that indicate that the method: Allows Deposits, Requires KYC Before Deposit, Allows Recurring Payments.

Checkboxes that indicate that the method: Allows Cashouts, Requires KYC Before Cashout, Requires Admin Manual Approval (see the List Pending Payments screen and View Pending Payout Details screen and the Help Desk entry actions), Allows Use of Alternate Cashout Method.

Allowed For Checkboxes that indicate that the method is allowed for: Mobile, Web, Admin, API.


Fields to be entered when user adds payment method section
Field Properties
Field 1 Name Configurable field
Name - this can be typed in or a suitable internationalised string code selected by clicking the ellipsis button to the right, see Internationalised strings for more information.
Type - selected from a list: 'Text', 'Numeric', 'Email Address', 'Checkbox', 'Amount', 'Hidden'.
Length - entered number.
Number of starred-out characters - entered number.
Field 2 Name Configurable as per field 1.
Field 3 Name Configurable as per field 1.
Field 4 Name Configurable as per field 1.
Field 5 Name Configurable as per field 1.


Fields to be entered when user uses payment method section
Field Properties
Prompt Field 1 Name Configurable field
Name - this can be a system variable name (preceded by '%'), or typed in, or a suitable internationalised string code selected by clicking the ellipsis button to the right, see Internationalised strings for more information.
Type - selected from a list: 'Text', 'Numeric', 'Email Address', 'Checkbox', 'Amount', 'Hidden'.
Length - entered number.
Prompt Field 2 Name Configurable as per prompt field 1.
Prompt Field 3 Name Configurable as per prompt field 1.
Prompt Field 4 Name Configurable as per prompt field 1.
Prompt Field 5 Name Configurable as per prompt field 1.


Allowable Options section
Field Properties
Allowable Currencies Selectable list of currencies that the payment method can be used in.
Allowable Countries Selectable list of countries that the payment method can be used in.
Excluded Brands Selectable list of brands that the payment method cannot be used for.
Excluded Marketing Codes Selectable list of marketing codes that the payment method cannot be used for.

Make multiple selections by clicking with the Ctrl key pressed.

Change the details of the payment method, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

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2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30