>>: Help desk > Overview

Help desk overview

Although Help Desk managers and operators are able to create Help Desk entries manually, most are system generated as a result of actions or emails by players, or in response to a player or game activity. Authorised users automatically receive an email alert when an entry is created, and also get an alert for a change of Status, Title and Type, if relevant options are ticked in the Manage User screen.

If an entry is allocated the type 'Affiliate', then a manager or operator of the affiliate (most likely a White Label operator) that the issue belongs to, is sent an email alert, and is able to access the entry using the Help Desk List Affiliate Outstanding Entries menu option. Note that an affiliate has a Help Desk queue if one or more of its brands has the Affiliate Manages Helpdesk checkbox ticked on the View Brand Details screen.

Help Desk entries are categorised by type, where the complete list of entry types comprises:

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:29