>>: Procedures > Player accounts > Managing player accounts

Managing player accounts

After an account has been set up either from scratch or following registration, as described in the procedure about Setting up a player account, account details may need to be looked up or updated for numerous reasons. In order to preserve historical data it is not possible to delete player accounts, but they can be subject to different types of bar, which effectively disables them until the bar is lifted.

This topic is aimed at admin staff of platform owners and White Label operators who need to set up and manage player accounts.

Follow these steps to list player accounts:

  1. Select Main Menu > List Accounts from the system options to display the List Accounts (Web View) screen.

Follow these steps to view or update the details of a player account:

  1. Select Main Menu > List Accounts from the system options to display the List Accounts (Web View) screen.
  2. Find and click the required player entry in the ID, Login or Email column to display the View Account Details screen.
  3. Change the details of the player account, then click the Update button to store them.
  4. The grid at the top of the screen offers links to specific information about the associated player. Click a link to display that information below the grid.
  5. Click the browser Back button until you are returned to the screen you require.

Each player account has three bar flags:

Follow these steps to bar or unbar a player account:

  1. Select Main Menu > List Accounts from the system options to display the List Accounts (Web View) screen.
  2. Find and click the required player entry in the ID, Login or Email column to display the View Account Details screen.
  3. In the Privileges & Barring section of the screen, tick or untick the relevant bar flag(s), then click the Update button to store the change(s).

Note that the Admin Bar Flag can also be unticked by the system through the handling of a player related Financial Defense Help Desk entry.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:22