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Financial defense module

The Financial Defense Module protects platform owners and affiliates from payouts that exceed set limits, resulting possibly from fraudulent activity or errors in a payment algorithm or table. Actions may be taken to temporarily shut down a player’s account or lock a game.

Player profiles define a number of values, such as betting limits, which are copied from the appropriate profile to a player’s account on registration. These values act as defaults which may be changed specifically per player. Included in these values is a Profit Shutdown Amount, which if exceeded in any month causes the account to be shut down pending investigation. Similarly, games have a Payout Shutdown Limit, which if exceeded causes the game to be locked pending investigation.

All shutdown events are automatically reported to the Help Desk, who investigate the circumstances that caused it and take appropriate action. Read the procedure about Handling Financial Defense Help Desk entries for more information.

The module is effectively turned on or off by the PERFORM_FISCAL_DEFENCE_CHECKS Server parameter, which if set True causes financial defence checks to be performed on each Game Play Action.

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