>>: Utilities > Utility Menu options > List Profiles > View Profile For Currency Details

View Profile For Currency Details

Use this screen to view or update the gaming limits and rules associated with a playing profile for a particular currency. To access the screen, click a currency name on the View Profile Details screen.

When a player registers, certain values (such as betting limits) are copied from the appropriate profile to the player's own account by default.

The fields on this screen have the following properties:

Field Properties
Fun Default Bet Amount Default bet amount for 'fun' or 'demo' mode gaming.
Default Bet Amount Default bet amount for normal gaming.
Maximum Bet Amount Maximum bet amount for normal gaming. Note that this value can be adjusted for a particular game by the game's Profile Limits Adjustment value.
Skill Game Stake Amount Stake amount for skill type gaming.
Initial Daily Betting Limit Default daily betting limit applied to the player account on registration.
Initial Monthly Betting Limit Default monthly betting limit applied to the player account on registration.
Maximum Daily Betting Limit Maximum daily betting limit for normal gaming.
Maximum Monthly Betting Limit Maximum monthly betting limit for normal gaming.
Default Deposit Amount Default deposit amount for normal gaming.
Minimum Deposit Amount Minimum deposit amount for normal gaming.
Maximum Deposit Amount Maximum deposit amount for normal gaming.
Initial Daily Deposit Limit Default daily deposit limit applied to the player account on registration.
Initial Monthly Deposit Limit Default monthly deposit limit applied to the player account on registration.
Maximum Daily Deposit Limit Maximum daily deposit limit for normal gaming.
Maximum Monthly Deposit Limit Maximum monthly deposit limit for normal gaming.
Minimum Payout Minimum payout for normal gaming.
Upgrade Daily Limit Delay Number of days delay before upgraded daily limit comes into effect.
Upgrade Monthly Limit Delay Number of days delay before upgraded monthly limit comes into effect.
Remove Self Bar Delay Number of days delay before self bar removal comes into effect.
Initial Monthly Account Profit Shutdown Amount Default monthly profit limit that triggers account shutdown applied to the player account on registration.
Maximum Monthly Account Profit Shutdown Amount Monthly profit limit that triggers account shutdown for normal gaming.
Daily Cashout Limits Daily cashout limit for normal gaming.
Weekly Cashout Limits Weekly cashout limit for normal gaming.
Monthly Cashout Limits Monthly cashout limit for normal gaming.

Change the details of the profile/currency, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30