>>: Player accounts > Main Menu options > Add Account

Add Account

Use this screen to quickly add new player accounts, which represent the users that access the supported gaming site. To access the screen, select Main Menu > Add Account from the system options. Note that this screen sets up a new account with the minimum amount of detail - you can then add further details using the View Account Details screen.

The fields on this screen are grouped into two sections, and have the following properties:

Key Details section
Field Properties
Marketing Code Marketing code for the player, selected from a list. Marketing codes are associated with an affiliate and a brand, and these should be apparent from the value of the code.
Email Address Email address of the player.


Contact Details section
Field Properties
Account's Name First and second name of the player.
Gender Gender of the player.
Date Of Birth Date of birth of the player.
Address Line 1 Address details of the player.
Address Line 2 Address details of the player.
Address Line 3 Address details of the player.
PostCode Address details of the player.
Country Address details of the player.
Mobile Number Mobile phone number of the player.
Landline Number Landline phone number of the player.
User Name Web login name of the player.

Enter details for the new player account, then click the Add Account button to store them, or click the browser Back button to abandon the entry and return to the previous screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:23