>>: Procedures > Affiliates > Managing affiliates

Managing affiliates

Affiliates represent all entities that interact with the gaming platform and generate revenue in some way, and fall naturally into a hierarchy that includes the platform owner, White Label operators, Game Engine Providers (GEPs), shops, managers and players. Read the Affiliates overview for more information, and refer to other topics that describe Setting up a White Label affiliate, Setting up a Game Engine Provider, and Setting up other affiliate types.

This topic is aimed at platform owner and White Label admin staff who need to manage affiliate details on the back office system.

Follow these steps to list affiliates:

  1. Select Affiliate Menu > List Affiliates from the system options to display the List affiliates screen.

Follow these steps to view or update the details of an affiliate:

  1. Select Affiliate Menu > List Affiliates from the system options to display the List affiliates screen.
  2. Find and click the required affiliate entry in the Name column to display the View Affiliate Details screen.
  3. Change the details of the affiliate, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

Follow these steps to delete an affiliate:

  1. Select Affiliate Menu > List Affiliates from the system options to display the List affiliates screen.
  2. Tick the checkbox in the Selected column for the affiliate(s) to delete, then click the Delete Checked button at the bottom of the screen.

Follow these steps to add a payment method to an affiliate:

  1. Select Affiliate Menu > List Affiliates from the system options to display the List Affiliates screen.
  2. Find and click the required affiliate entry in the Name column to display the View Affiliate Details screen
  3. Click the Payment Methods link in the grid at the top of the screen to display the List Affiliate Payment Methods screen.
  4. Select a Payment Method from the drop-down list below the grid, then click the Add button.
  5. Click the payment method in the Type column of the list below to display the View Affiliate Payment Method Details screen.
  6. Tick the Allowed checkbox and enter the payment method account details for the affiliate, then click the Update button to store them.

When changing an affiliate's details, you may also need to consider making changes to other data related to the affiliate, such as Marketing Codes, users, brands and sub affiliates.

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