>>: Procedures > Marketing > Setting up a brand's global email template

Setting up a brand's global email template

Every brand has a global email template, defined in HTML and including images and framing components, upon which all the brand's email templates are based.

This topic is aimed at admin staff of platform owners and White Label operators who need to set up and maintain brand details.

Follow these steps to set up a brand's global email template:

  1. Select Marketing Menu > Branding > List Brands from the system options to display the List Brands screen.
  2. Find and click the required brand entry in the Name column to display the View Brand Details screen.
  3. Click the Manage Email Templates for this Brand link in the Branding Options section to display the List Email Templates screen.
  4. Click the View Global Brand Template link above the column headers to display the View Brand Email Template screen.
  5. Use the buttons in the editing toolbar to define the global template. Double click the image icon in the frames above and below the content frame to define external links to the brand's data. Click the Source button to toggle the view to HTML code, which you can edit either directly or by pasting from another source. Click the Update button to store the details.

Follow these steps to check a brand's global email template:

  1. Select Main Menu > List Accounts from the system options to display the List Accounts (Web View) screen.
  2. Set the Brand filter option to the brand you want to test, then click the Search button and click a player entry in the ID, Login or Email column to display the View Account Details screen.
  3. Click the Contact this Account By Email link above the grid at the top of the screen to display the Send Email screen.
  4. Check that the preview of the email is as you expect it to appear. Note: you don't need to send the email!
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v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:23