>>: Procedures > Marketing procedures

Marketing procedures

The following table lists documented procedures about Marketing.

Procedure topic Includes

Managing brands

Listing brands
Adding a brand
Viewing or updating the details of a brand
Deleting a brand
Setting up a country/currency override for a brand
Setting up a brand's global email template Setting up a brand's global email template
Checking a brand's global email template
Managing brand email templates Listing brand email templates
Adding a brand email template
Deleting a brand email template
Viewing or changing the content of a brand email template
Managing brand bulk emails Listing brand bulk email runs
Adding a brand bulk email run
Viewing emails sent in a brand bulk email run
Managing brand level bonus schemes Listing brand level bonus schemes
Adding a brand level bonus scheme
Viewing or updating the details of a brand level bonus scheme
Deleting a brand level bonus scheme
Managing system level bonus schemes Listing system level bonus schemes
Adding a system level bonus scheme
Viewing or updating the details of a system level bonus scheme
Deleting a system level bonus scheme
Managing brand level workflows Listing brand level workflow events
Listing processes in a brand level workflow
Adding a process to a brand level workflow
Viewing or updating the details of a process in a brand level workflow
Deleting a process from a brand level workflow
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