>>: Procedures > Miscellaneous > Setting up a new currency

Setting up a new currency

A number of currencies are defined on the platform by default, for example GEP and EUR. Other currencies can also be added, so long as the related entries, shown in this topic, are also set up.

This topic is aimed at platform owner admin staff who manage currencies and other utility items on the back office system.

Follow these steps to add a new currency:

  1. Select Utility Menu > Common Parameters > List Currencies from the system options to display the List Currencies screen, and click the Add button above the column headers to display the Add Currencies pop-up screen.
  2. Enter the international currency code for the new currency, then click the Add button to store it and close the pop-up.
  3. Find and click the entry just created in the Code column to display the View Currency Details screen, and enter the remaining details, including currency profile values if these need to be changed from the default. Click the Update button to save the changes and return to the previous screen.

Follow these steps to set up a country's default currency:

  1. Select Utility Menu > Common Parameters > List Countries from the system options to display the List Countries screen.
  2. For those countries that must use the new currency as the default, click the entry in the Name column to display the View Country Details screen.
  3. Select the new currency in the Currency drop-down list, then click the Update button to store it and return to the previous screen.

If required, you can override a country's default currency on a per brand basis. For example, a brand might want to operate in Euros for certain countries, irrespective of their default currencies.

Follow these steps to set up a country/currency override for a brand:

  1. Select either Marketing Menu > Branding > List Brands or Affiliate Menu > List Brands from the system options to display the List Brands screen.
  2. Click an entry in the Name column to display the View Brand Details screen for the associated brand.
  3. Click the Manage Country/Currency Overrides for this Brand link in the Branding Options section to display the List Brand Country/Currency Overrides screen.
  4. Click the Add button above the column headers to display the Add Brand Country/Currency Overrides pop-up screen.
  5. Select a country and currency (to override the default currency for the country, for this brand) from the drop-down lists, then click the Add button to store them and close the pop-up.

After completing the procedure:

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v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:23