>>: Utilities > Utility Menu options > List Currencies > View Currency Details

View Currency Details

Use this screen to view or update the details of a currency. To access the screen, click an entry in the Code column of the List Currencies screen.

The fields on this screen have the following properties:

Field Properties
Code International currency code for the currency.
Icon Image Shows the currency icon image, plus file path and name.
Symbol International currency symbol, and checkbox to indicate if it is displayed as a suffix (otherwise as a prefix).
Name Name of the currency.
Actual Precision Currency's actual precision, for example GBP has precision 2 for up to 99 pence.
Display Precision Precision for display, which may be different from, but must be less than or equal to, the actual precision.
Display Seqno Currency sequence number when presented in a list of currencies.
Include in Reporting If ticked, indicates that the symbol is included in reports.
Loyalty Currency If ticked, indicates that the currency may be used for loyalty schemes in the View Loyalty Scheme Details screen.
Profiles List of profiles associated with this currency. Click a profile name to display the View Profile For Currency Details screen for the associated profile.

Change the details of the currency, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30