>>: Utilities > Utility Menu options > List Countries > View Country Details

View Country Details

Use this screen to view or update the details of a country. To access the screen, click an entry in the Name column of the List Countries screen.

The fields on this screen have the following properties:

Field Properties
Name Name of the country.
Country Code International country code of the country.
Icon Image Shows the country's flag icon image, plus file path and name.
Dialing Code International dialing code of the country.
Server Time Offset Time offset from GMT in hours (+ or -).
Display Sequence Country sequence number when presented in a list of countries.
Age Limit Gambling site age limit in years for the country.
Phone Number Validation Pattern Regular expression to validate country phone number.
Postcode Validation Pattern Regular expression to validate country postcode.
Language Principal language of the country, selected from a list.
Currency Currency of the country, selected from a list. (Note that it is possible to override a country's currency for specific brands, if required - see details about the List Brand Country/Currency Overrides screen).
Primary Gaming Licence Main gaming licence for the country, selected from a list defined in the List Regulatory Regime Licenses screen, plus option 'Non Licenced'.
POC Gaming Licence Point Of Consumption gaming licence for the country, selected from a list defined in the List Regulatory Regime Licenses screen, plus option 'Non Licenced'.
SMSC Short Message Service Centre for the country, selected from a list define in the List SMSCs screen.
Allow Downloads If ticked, indicates that software and applications can be downloaded in the country.
Allow Registrations If ticked, indicates that players can register in the country.
Allow Login If ticked, indicates that players can login in the country.
Allow Bonuses If ticked, indicates that bonuses can be awarded in the country.
Allow Money Play If ticked, indicates that wagered games can be played in the country.
Allow Casino Money Play If ticked, indicates that casino type wagered games can be played in the country.
Allow Poker Money Play If ticked, indicates that poker type wagered games can be played in the country.
Allow Sportsbook Money Play If ticked, indicates that sportsbook type wagered games can be played in the country.
Allow Free Play If ticked, indicates that games can be played in 'fun' or 'demo' mode in the country.
Wap Pushes Barred If ticked, indicates that distribution by Wap Pushes is not allowed in the country.
Demonyms Comma separated list of names that identify people who live in the country.

Change the details of the currency, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30