>>: Procedures > Games > Managing jackpots

Managing jackpots

Jackpots incentivise the use of one or several games and can be configured in several ways, for example how and when a jackpot is increased, and the conditions under which it pays out. Read the Jackpots overview for more information.

This topic is aimed at admin staff of platform owners and White Label operators who need to set up and maintain jackpots.

Before starting these procedures, you may need to determine the following details:

Follow these steps to list jackpots:

  1. Select Game Menu > Schemes > List Jackpots from the system options to display the List Jackpots screen.

Follow these steps to add a jackpot:

  1. Select Game Menu > Schemes > List Jackpots from the system options to display the List Jackpots screen, and click the Add button above the column headers to display the Add Additional Jackpots pop-up screen.
  2. Enter the basic jackpot details, including the external system if applicable, and click the Add button to save them and close the pop-up.
  3. Find and click the entry just created in the Key column to display the View Jackpot Details screen, and enter the remaining details. Click the Update button to save the changes and return to the previous screen.

Follow these steps to view or update the details of a jackpot:

  1. Select Game Menu > Schemes > List Jackpots from the system options to display the List Jackpots screen.
  2. Find and click the required jackpot entry in the Key column to display the View Jackpot Details screen.
  3. Change the details of the jackpot, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

Follow these steps to delete a jackpot:

  1. Select Game Menu > Schemes > List Jackpots from the system options to display the List Jackpots screen.
  2. Tick the checkbox in the Selected column for the jackpot(s) to delete, then click the Delete Checked button at the bottom of the screen.

Follow these steps to associate a game with a jackpot:

  1. Select Game Menu > Schemes > List Jackpots from the system options to display the List Jackpots screen.
  2. Find and click the required jackpot entry in the Key column to display the View Jackpot Details screen.
  3. Add the game to the Allowable Games list near the bottom of the screen by clicking with the Ctrl key pressed, then click the Update button to save the change and return to the previous screen.

Follow these steps to set up a game's contribution to an external jackpot:

  1. Select Game Menu > Game Management > List Games from the system options to display the List Games screen.
  2. Find and click the required game entry the Game Key column to display the View Game Details screen.
  3. In the Financial Settings section, tick the External Jackpot checkbox and specify the percentage requirement of the GEP and contribution made by the affiliate, then click the Update button to save the changes and return to the previous screen.
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