>>: Procedures > Games procedures

Games procedures

The following table lists documented procedures about Games.

Procedure topic Includes
Setting up a new game and icon Setting up a new game and icon
Managing games Listing games
Viewing or updating the details of a game
Exporting games data
Importing games details
Deleting a game
Managing game lists Listing game lists
Adding a game list
Viewing or updating the details of a game list
Deleting a game list
Adding or removing games from a game list
Sorting games in a game list
Managing game groups Listing game groups
Adding a game group
Viewing or updating the details of a game group
Deleting a game group
Maintaining game group entries
Managing jackpots

Listing jackpots
Adding a jackpot
Viewing or updating the details of a jackpot
Deleting a jackpot
Associating a game with a jackpot
Setting up a game's contribution to an external jackpot

Managing tournaments Listing tournaments
Adding a tournament
Viewing or updating the details of a tournament
Deleting a tournament
Viewing a tournament's leaderboard
2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:22