>>: Procedures > Games > Setting up a new game and icon

Setting up a new game and icon

Game Engine Providers generally alert platform provider customers when they release a new game, and then some setting up is required to make it available on the platform.

This topic is aimed at admin staff of platform owners who need to maintain games on the platform.

Before starting this procedure, arrange the following:

Follow these steps to set up a new game and icon:

  1. Resize the game icon to less than or equal 200 pixels high and 150 pixels wide.
  2. Rename the icon file to comply with the following rules:
    * Use only lower case letters
    * Separate words with dashes (-)
    * Avoid spaces and punctuation of any kind
    * Format as JPG if possible
  3. Send the icon file to platform technical staff to install on the platform server.
  4. Select Game Menu > Game Management > List Games from the system options to display the List Games screen.
  5. Find and click the new game entry in the Game Key column to display the View Game Details screen.
  6. Set the Icon Image and Picture Image fields to the icon file name in location /aqcontent/common/images/filename.
  7. Update other fields as required, while ensuring the following:
    * Game Category is changed from the default ('Bingo'), as appropriate
    * Allow Fun Play? is ticked, if the game is available for Fun Play.
    * Live Flag is ticked
    Show on Game Lists? is ticked
  8. Click the Update button at the bottom of the screen to store the changes and return to the List Games screen.
  9. Check that miniature images of the icon are included for the relevant entry in the Image column of the screen (hover over them to pop up a full size version).

After completing the procedure, add the new game to the game lists that require it.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:22