>>: Marketing > Marketing Menu options > List Brands > View Brand Bonus Scheme Details

View Brand Bonus Scheme Details

Use this screen to view or update the details of bonus (or incentive) schemes for a brand, which can be awarded to players based on a number of triggers, such as 'on registration'. To access the screen, click an entry in the Name column of the List Brand Bonus Schemes screen.

Click the List Awards link at the top of the Details section to display the List Brand Bonus Scheme Awards screen showing awards paid out for this bonus scheme. If the bonus scheme is linked to vouchers, click the Manage Vouchers link at the top of the Details section to display the List Brand Bonus Scheme Vouchers screen showing vouchers redeemed for this bonus scheme.

The fields on this screen are grouped into a number of sections, and have the following properties:

Details section
Field Properties
Name Meaningful unique short name for the bonus scheme.
Description Full description of the bonus scheme, displayed in lists of schemes.
Cancel On Cashout If ticked, indicates that any of this bonus remaining when a player cashes out is cancelled.
Restrict Cashout If ticked, indicates that none of this bonus can be cashed out.
Use Before Cash If ticked, indicates that bonus money must be used before funded money.
Prize Bonus If ticked, indicates that this bonus is awarded as a prize.
Text To Appear Accounts History Short description, displayed in accounting report.
Type Type of scheme, selected from a list (shown here with corresponding code):
A - Awarded by Admin
B - Purchase Bulk Voucher
D - Deposit
E - Deposit (referee gets bonus)
F - Free Play
G - Login
H - Registration Smartphone
L - Loyalty
M - Registration Mobile
O - Referral (On Registration)
P - Referral (On Deposit)
R - Registration Online
S - Referral
U - Purchase voucher
V - Bulk Voucher
W - Awarded by workflow

In addition to the predefined bonus types, the system also has the functionality to award bonuses based on the result of a query, set up under Reporting menu > List Queries. This provides complete flexibility to award bonuses on almost any value or set of values stored in the database.
Currency Currency of the bonus scheme.
Depositing Players Only If ticked, indicates that this bonus is only available to players who have deposited funds.
Live Flag If ticked, indicates that the bonus scheme is live.
Start Date Bonus scheme restriction start date.
End Date Bonus scheme restriction end date.


Usage section
Field Properties
Wager Multiplier Requirement The number of times the bonus must be staked before it can be withdrawn, typically set at 25. See the section about Wagering requirements for more information.
Cash Bets Contribute to WR If ticked, indicates that cash bets as well as bonus bets contribute to the wagering requirement.
Unused Amount Expires After Bonus money has a limited lifetime. Number of days after which any unused bonus is deleted.


Award Amounts section
Field Properties
Amount per Transaction Either, amount awarded to a player per transaction for this bonus. This field option is offered for all bonus types.
Percentage of Transaction Or, percentage of transaction value awarded to a player per transaction for this bonus. (Only applicable for schemes of type 'Deposit' and 'Admin'). This field option is only offered for the following bonus types: 'Deposit', 'Referral on Deposit', 'Deposit on Referral', 'Awarded by Admin'.

Maximum Amount per


Maximum amount that this bonus will pay per transaction. This field is only offered for the following bonus types: 'Deposit', 'Referral on Deposit', 'Deposit on Referral', 'Awarded by Admin'.


Deposit Criteria section
Field Properties
Minimum Transaction Amount Minimum required to trigger this bonus.
Maximum Transaction Amount Maximum required to trigger this bonus.
For Deposits From X for Y, where X is the deposit number which triggers the bonus, and Y is the number of subsequent deposits. For example if X=2 and Y=3, then bonus is granted on deposit numbers 2, 3 and 4.
WR Includes Deposit Amount If ticked, indicates that the wagering requirement for this bonus scheme includes the deposit amount.

Note that the Deposit Criteria section is only offered for the following bonus types: 'Deposit', 'Referral on Deposit', 'Deposit on Referral'.

Loyalty Criteria section
Field Properties

Loyalty Based on Hold

If ticked, indicates that the bonus scheme is based on how much a player loses ('Hold'), else how much a player bets ('Handle').
Qualifying Amount Sets the amount that a player has to bet or lose (depending on the checkbox above) in order to trigger the bonus.
Step Amount This enables the loyalty bonus to be applied every time a certain amount more is bet or lost (again, depending on the checkbox above).

Note that the Loyalty Criteria section is only offered for the 'Loyalty' bonus type.

Limit Account Gain section
Field Properties
Maximum Amount per Account Either, maximum amount awarded to a player for this bonus.
Maximum Times per Account Or, maximum times awarded to a player in total or over a time period (specified in next field).
These Limits to apply: Time periods, per day, week, month, year, or in total.


Limit Bonus Scheme Liability section
Field Properties
Maximum Total Amount Budgeted amount. The maximum that this bonus scheme will pay out in total. Either an amount for a monetary scheme, or a number for a prize scheme.


Limit Scope section
Field Properties
Games Selectable list of mobile games. Money from this bonus spent on selected games are included in a player's Bonus Wagering Requirement calculations. Refer to the View Games Details screen for details about including/excluding specific online games from Bonus Wagering Requirement calculations.
Game Categories Selectable list of game categories that restrict the list of games.
Countries Selectable list of countries that are allowed this bonus.
Payment Providers Selectable list of payment providers that are included in the relevant deposit promotion.
Marketing Codes Selectable list of included/excluded marketing codes that award this bonus.
Required Achievements Selectable list of achievements that are required for this bonus to be awarded.


Limiting Query section
Field Properties
Query Select a query that defines which accounts are eligible for this bonus, set up under Reporting menu > List Queries.

Change the details of the bonus scheme, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to abandon the update and return to the previous screen.

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