>>: Procedures > Accounting > Producing invoices and purchase orders

Producing invoices and purchase orders

Invoices and purchase orders are derived from the results of revenue runs, which are based on revenue schemes and are performed automatically by an overnight work process. Read the Accounting overview for more information about revenue runs, schemes and snapshots.

This topic is aimed at platform owner admin staff who manage accounting functions including the authorisation of payments and monitoring income.

Follow these steps to produce invoices and purchase orders:

Confirm the month's revenue run...

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Runs from the system options to display the List Revenue Runs screen. The screen lists processed revenue runs in the order of the periods they cover, below the Scheduling section, most recent at the top. The status of each run is shown and is either 'Unconfirmed' or 'Confirmed'.
  2. Locate the revenue run covering the period from the first to the last day of the previous month (or month in question), which at this stage should have status 'Unconfirmed'.
  3. The gross amount for allocation in each currency is listed in a table. Click the View link in the right-most column for the required currency(s) to display the View Revenue Run Details in Common Currency screen and check the details, then click the browser Back button to return to the List Revenue Runs screen.
  4. When you are satisfied that all the currency transactions are correct, click the run's Confirm button. Note: this changes the status of the revenue run to 'Confirmed', creates invoices and purchase orders with 'Created' status, and creates ledger entries in the affiliate/GEP ledgers.

Access invoices and purchase orders...

  1. Select Accounting > List Invoices/Purchase Orders from the system options to display the List Invoices/Purchase Orders screen.
  2. Click an entry in the Date column to display the View Invoice/Purchase Order Details screen for the associated affiliate/GEP, or click the View PDF link for an entry in the Reference column to display the associated PDF in a pop-up screen.

After completing the procedure, you may need to perform some or all of the following:

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