>>: Accounting > Accounting menu options > List Revenue Runs > View Revenue Run Details in Common Currency

View Revenue Run Details in Common Currency

Use this screen to view the details of a revenue run, including all payments made to White Label affiliates and Game Engine Providers, expressed in a single currency. Depending on how the screen is accessed, it may show only payments made in a particular currency, or all payments converted into a selected currency. It is used to display details of both unconfirmed and confirmed revenue runs, and revenue run snapshots. To access the screen, click the currency View link or the currency total for the required revenue run on the List Revenue Runs screen or the List Revenue Run Snapshot screen.

A summary of the revenue run is shown at the top of the screen, including its currency and period, selected totals and status. Click the View Platform Owner Detail link in the summary to display the View Revenue Run Affiliate Payment Details in Common Currency screen for the platform owner, which includes a breakdown of revenue derived from players and other details.

The White Label section shows a summary of revenue earned by White Label affiliates, including the amount earned for the affiliate's parent and MMRG (Monthly Minimum Revenue Guarantee) shortfall. Click an entry in the Name column to display the View Revenue Run Affiliate Payment Details in Common Currency screen for the White Label affiliate. Click an entry in the Revenue Scheme column to display the View Revenue Scheme Details screen.

The Game Engine Provider Payments section shows the amount paid to GEPs. Click an entry in the Name column to display the View Revenue Run GEP Payment Details in Common Currency screen for the Game Engine Provider. Click an entry in the Revenue Scheme column to display the View Revenue Scheme Details screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:28