>>: Procedures > Accounting > Managing revenue runs

Managing revenue runs

Revenue Runs are performed in groups by an overnight work process and calculate how the Net Gaming Revenue for a period (usually a month) is allocated between the platform owner and its hierarchy of affiliates, according to a highly configurable set of rules. Read the Accounting overview for more information.

This topic is aimed at platform owner admin staff who manage accounting functions, including the scheduling and management of revenue runs.

Follow these steps to list revenue runs:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Runs from the system options to display the List Revenue Runs screen.
  2. Below the Scheduling section, the screen lists processed revenue runs in the order of the periods they cover, most recent at the top. The status of each run is shown and is either 'Unconfirmed' or 'Confirmed'.

Follow these steps to schedule a revenue run:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Runs from the system options to display the List Revenue Runs screen.
  2. Enter a date range in the fields at the top of the screen, or click the Refresh link to default dates from immediately after the last revenue run to the end of the previous month.
  3. Click the Schedule button, and the run becomes scheduled to be performed by an overnight work process.

Follow these steps to view the details of a revenue run:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Runs from the system options to display the List Revenue Runs screen.
  2. The gross amount allocated in each currency is listed in a table for unconfirmed and confirmed revenue runs alike. Click the View link in the right-most column for the required currency to display the View Revenue Run Details in Common Currency screen.

Follow these steps to delete an unconfirmed revenue run:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Runs from the system options to display the List Revenue Runs screen.
  2. Click the Delete button at the top of an unconfirmed revenue run's section to delete it and its details.

Follow these steps to confirm an unconfirmed revenue run:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Runs from the system options to display the List Revenue Runs screen.
  2. Click the Confirm button at the top of an unconfirmed revenue run's section to confirm it, which will result in the following actions:
    * Changes status of the revenue run to 'Confirmed', which also lets the associated affiliate/GEP view it.
    * Creates Invoices/Purchase Orders with 'Created' status.
    * Creates ledger entries in the affiliate/GEP ledgers.

Follow these steps to unconfirm a confirmed revenue run:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Runs from the system options to display the List Revenue Runs screen.
  2. Click the Unconfirm button at the top of a confirmed revenue run's section to undo the confirmation actions:
    * Changes status of the revenue run back to 'Unconfirmed'.
    * Deletes related Invoices/Purchase Orders.
    * Removes related ledger entries in the affiliate/GEP ledgers.

Follow these steps to invoice a confirmed revenue run:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Runs from the system options to display the List Revenue Runs screen.
  2. Click the Invoices button at the top of a confirmed revenue run's section to perform the following actions:
    * Change the status of associated invoices to 'Pending'.
    * Run the Invoices Created workflow, which also downloads them to your PC.
  3. Note that invoices may be viewed at any time by selecting Accounting > List Invoices/Purchase Orders from the system options, or clicking the Invoices link in the grid at the top of the View Affiliate Details screen for the associated affiliate.
2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:23