>>: Affiliates > Affiliate Menu options > List Affiliates > View Affiliate Revenue Run Details in Common Currency

View Affiliate Revenue Run Details in Common Currency

Use this screen to list contributions of sub affiliates to an affiliate's revenue run in the default currency. To access the page, click the View Details link in the right-most column of the List Affiliate Revenue Runs screen and wait for a pause while the row is first expanded to reveal the revenue run payments in all supported currencies.

The grid at the top of the screen offers links to specific information about the associated affiliate. Click a link to display the information below the grid for each of the following: Details, Sub Affiliates, Transactions, Invoices, Statistics, Payment Methods, Payments, Revenue Runs, Reports, Cash, RR Line Items, Emails, Marketing Codes, Revenue Snapshots, Brands, Channels, Users, Overview.

Each row shows a sub affiliate and its contributed amount in the default currency. Click an entry in the Payment To column to display the View Revenue Run Affiliate Payment Details Common Currency screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:26