>>: Procedures > Reporting > Running reports

Running reports

The platform's predefined reports and charts, listed in the summary of available reports, can be run on demand from one or more of the Report Menus. These are grouped by functionality such as 'Affiliate Reports' and 'Help Desk Reports', and are described in the topic about Report menu locations.

This topic is aimed at admin staff of White label operators and affiliates who need to access reports.

Follow these steps to run a report:

  1. Taking as an example a report from a common reporting menu, select Main Menu > Report Menu from the system options to display the Report Menu screen.
  2. Click a report name. If any input parameters are required, a screen listing them is displayed. Enter the parameter values and click the Run button, or specify an output file path and name and click the Run and Save button.
  3. The screen then shows the name and description of the report, and the returned results below. If you specified an output file the report is also saved there.

Note that reports can also be scheduled to run at a specified time on any day of week or month, or every day, for delivery by various methods, for example email. See the procedures associated with Managing scheduled reports for more information.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:23