>>: Reporting > Available reports

Summary of available reports

The following table summarises commonly used reports. Type indicates Q(uery), iR(eport), H(ard), or C(hart).

Report Name Type Description and notes
Account Deposits and Payments H Displays account deposits and commissioned payments for affiliates for the requested data range, as comma separated raw data.
Accounts with no Phone Number Q Returns the ID and username of players with no phone number.
Activity by Date H Reports on activities (for example 'New Registrations', 'Number of Bets') for the requested data range, plus total numbers.
Admin Float Balances H Displays the current balance of affiliates who keep a float balance, for the requested data range, for platform owners.
Affiliate Float Balance H Displays the current balance of players who keep a float balance, for the requested data range, for affiliates.
Affiliate Player Balances H Displays the balance and currency of players who are also defined as affiliates.
Affiliate Settled Deposits H Displays settled deposits for signed on affiliates, grouped by date, payment provider, currency and amount.
Affiliate Unsettled Deposits H Displays unsettled deposits for signed on affiliates, grouped by date, payment provider, currency and amount.
All Registered Users for Affiliate H Displays the name and email address all registered user (except barred users) belonging to the requested affiliate.
Andoraan Players with UK Number Q Returns all players having Andorran nationality but a UK phone number.
At a Glance Admin H Shows summary activity and overall performance of an affiliate's players for the requested time period, including, for example, number of registrations and NGR.
At a Glance H Shows summary activity and overall performance of your players for the requested time period, including, for example, number of registrations and NGR.
Currency Conversion Rates H Displays the cross currency conversion rates, scraped from a Google service overnight, of each currency pair set up on the platform.
Dormant Players Report H Displays details of accounts that haven't logged in for over 30 days: ID, username, dormant since date, and balance.
Duplicate Players H Displays details of players that have registered under more than one brand.
Non Depositing Accounts Q Returns all registered accounts that have not made a deposit.
Players Excluded from Revenue Runs Q Returns the total number of players excluded from Revenue Runs.
Retention Report H Displays player deposit details for the requested time period, in the order of player registration dates.
Views by Date/Hour H Shows in tabular form the number of page views for each hour of the day, for the requested month and year.
2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:28