>>: Reporting > Overview

Reporting overview

The platform provides numerous predefined reports and charts, which may be accessed from one or more Report Menus, depending on its functionality. For example, the Help Desk Report Menu and the Affiliate Report Menu both have reports that relate to their specific areas of the business, but may also have reports common to each other, depending on how those reports are configured. Report configuration also determines which users and/or groups are able to run the report, amongst other things.

For historical reasons, reports are constructed on the platform using these four methods:

Note: although construction of reports using queries or definition files is technically straightforward, a good understanding of the Data and underlying platform Data Model is also required. If you need a new report constructed, contact your account manager in the first instance.

For an up to date list of currently available reports/charts and their descriptions, refer to the following platform screens: List Queries screen, List iReports screen, List Hard Reports screen and List Charts screen.

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