>>: Affiliates > Affiliate Menu options > View Revenue Runs

List Affiliate Revenue Runs

Use this screen to view revenue run details, to a player level, which are the basis of any revenue share payments. To access the screen, select Affiliate Menu > View Revenue Runs from the system options.

The report shows revenue payments, by currency, and represents the final, committed month end figure. The month end revenue run must then be checked and committed - the affiliate ledger is then automatically updated.

The differences between the Affiliate Revenue Run report and the Affiliate Statistics report are significant and are described in the section about Affiliate Statistics Vs Revenue Run reports.

Each row shows summary values for a revenue run. Click View Details in the right-most column and the row expands to reveal the revenue run payments in all supported currencies. After a pause, the View Affiliate Revenue Run Details Common Currency screen is displayed showing contributions to the NGR of sub affiliates in the default currency, or else click View Details for another currency to display the View Affiliate Revenue Run Details screen showing contributions to the NGR of sub affiliates in the selected currency.

Click View Invoice to display the View Affiliate Invoice Details screen for the associated revenue run.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:27