>>: Procedures > Access Control > Changing a user's ledger amendment limit

Changing a user's ledger amendment limit

By default admin users are not able to amend ledgers, for security reasons. However, an amendment limit can be applied to individual users if their role requires it. Note that all amendments are noted in the system audit trail.

The Ledger Amendment Limit is the maximum amount by which the user is allowed to adjust players' ledger balances in order, for example, to fix errors or change updates resulting from fiscal defense actions. For example, if the limit value is £100 and a player's balance £1000, then the user can adjust the balance to between £900 and £1100. All amendments are noted in the audit trail.

This topic is aimed at platform owner admin staff who are authorised to manage user account details.

Follow these steps to change a user's ledger amendment limit:

  1. Select Access Control > User Management > Manage Users from the system options to display the List Users screen.
  2. Find and click the required user entry in the User Id column to display the Manage User screen.
  3. Enter or change the value of the Ledger Amendment Limit field then click the Update button to store it and return to the previous screen.
2017 AliQuantum Gaming
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