>>: Utilities > Utility Menu options > Reset Player Account Balances

Reset Player Account Balances

Use this screen to reset the ledger balances of all player accounts, if for example these have been compromised in some way. To access the screen, select Utility Menu > Tools Menu > Reset Player Account Balances from the system options.

Each player transaction record stores an account balance value, calculated by incrementing the balance on the previous transaction when the record is inserted, as a sanity check. If a transaction value is altered on any record, then all records for the account need to be recalculated.

Click the Reset Balances button to reset the balances of ALL player accounts, or click the browser Back button to abandon the operation and return to the previous screen.

Note: balances can be reset for a single account using the List Account Transactions screen, or for a specific ledger using the List Ledger Entries screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:31