>>: Procedures > Miscellaneous > Managing system level workflows

Managing system level workflows

Workflows are triggered by defined events and comprise one or more processes which can be set up by platform admin users. Workflows can be specified for events across the whole system, such as 'Account Logon' or 'Invoice Created', as described in this topic, or for particular brand events. Care is required to ensure that system workflows are not duplicated at a brand level or customers may unintentionally be the target of multiple actions.

Note: the events which trigger workflows are themselves defined programmatically - administrators are not able to add new 'events' via the platform options.

This topic is aimed at admin staff of platform owners and White Label operators who need to set up and maintain system workflows.

Follow these steps to list system level workflow events:

  1. Select Utility Menu > Common Parameters > List Workflow Events from the system options to display the List Workflow Events screen.

Follow these steps to list processes in a system level workflow:

  1. Select Utility Menu > Common Parameters > List Workflow Events from the system options to display the List Workflow Events screen.
  2. Click an entry in the Workflow Event Name column to display the processes that make up the associated workflow event in the View Workflow screen.

Follow these steps to add a process to a system level workflow:

  1. First, follow the steps described in the second procedure of this topic to display the View Workflow screen, then click the Add button above the column headers to display the Add Workflow Process pop-up screen.
  2. Enter the details as required, then click the Add button to save them and close the pop-up.

Follow these steps to view or update the details of a process in a system level workflow:

  1. First, follow the steps described in the second procedure of this topic to display the View Workflow screen.
  2. Find and click the required process entry in the Description column to display the Edit Workflow Process screen.
  3. Change the details of the process, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

Follow these steps to delete a process from a system level workflow:

  1. First, follow the steps described in the second procedure of this topic to display the View Workflow screen.
  2. Tick the checkbox in the Delete column for the process(es) to delete, then click the Delete Checked button at the bottom of the screen.
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