>>: Procedures > Accounting > Managing revenue run snapshots

Managing revenue run snapshots

Revenue Run Snapshots calculate and store the projected allocation of NGR (Net Gaming Revenue) for a specified period using the exchange rates 'current' at the time of the snapshot. Snapshots are for information only, and are not used in the allocation of funds to affiliates and GEPs.

This topic is aimed at platform owner admin staff who manage accounting functions, including the scheduling and management of revenue runs and snapshots.

Follow these steps to list revenue run snapshots:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Run Snapshots from the system options to display the List Revenue Run Snapshots screen.
  2. Below the Run section, the screen shows the Month To Date snapshot figures and lists adhoc snapshots, including daily snapshots, in the order of the periods they cover, most recent at the top.
  3. The total amount for allocation in each currency is listed in a table for the revenue run snapshot. Click the View link in the Re-Run column for the required currency to display the View Revenue Run Details in Common Currency screen.
  4. At the bottom of the section, the total revenue of the snapshot is displayed in each currency using the 'current' exchange rate values. Click any of these totals to display the View Revenue Run Details in Common Currency screen using the current rate rather than the rate applied above. See the topic on Currency conversion for information about exchange rate anomalies.

Follow these steps to run a revenue run snapshot:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Run Snapshots from the system options to display the List Revenue Run Snapshots screen.
  2. To run a revenue run snapshot for the month to date, specify a From Date, or click the Refresh link to set it automatically, then click the Run button.
  3. Alternatively, specify an adhoc From Date and To Date, or click the Refresh link to set them to today's date, then click the Run Adhoc button.
  4. In either case, the run becomes scheduled to be performed by an overnight work process.

Follow these steps to re-run a revenue run snapshot:

  1. Select Accounting > List Revenue Run Snapshots from the system options to display the List Revenue Run Snapshots screen.
  2. Click the Re-Run column header of a snapshot to run the associated snapshot again and overwrite the original results. You would only normally do this if the exchange rates used in the original run were known to be incorrect. Note that the 'current' exchange rates are used in the re-run.
2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:23