>>: Procedures > Accounting > Managing ledgers

Managing ledgers

The platform is designed to record events, such as the playing of a game, and associated events in near real time. In all cases this includes the writing of an entry in one or several ledgers, which are set up to monitor transactions for numerous entities in every applicable currency. All standard ledgers, which predominately record revenue payments, and cash ledgers, which record the transfer of cash funds between affiliates and sub affiliates, can be listed and examined in detail, and adjusted as required.

This topic is aimed at platform owner admin staff who manage accounting functions, and are permissioned to view and apply adjustments to ledgers.

Follow these steps to list ledgers:

  1. Select Accounting > List Ledgers from the system options to display the List Ledgers screen.

Follow these steps to list player ledgers:

  1. Select Accounting > List Ledgers from the system options to display the List Ledgers screen.
  2. Click the List link in the required currency subtotal row to display the List Player Ledgers screen.

Follow these steps to list cash ledgers:

  1. Select Accounting > List Cash Ledgers from the system options to display the List Cash Ledgers screen.

Follow these steps to list ledger entries:

  1. Select either Accounting > List Ledgers from the system options to display the List Ledgers screen, or Accounting > List Cash Ledgers to display the List Cash Ledgers screen.
  2. Click an entry in the Ledger column to display the List Ledger Entries screen.

Follow these steps to view or update the details of a ledger entry:

  1. First, follow the steps described in the fourth procedure of this topic to display the List Ledger Entries screen.
  2. Click an entry in the Transaction Date column to display associated data in the View Ledger Entry Details screen.
  3. Change the details of the transaction, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.
  4. Determine whether you need to reset the ledger's balances (see end of this topic).

Follow these steps to add a ledger entry manually:

  1. First, follow the steps described in the fourth procedure of this topic to display the List Ledger Entries screen.
  2. Click the Add button above the filter options to display the Add Transaction Entry pop-up screen.
  3. Select a transaction type from the drop-down list and enter a description and amount, then click the Add button to store them.

Follow these steps to delete a ledger entry:

  1. First, follow the steps described in the fourth procedure of this topic to display the List Ledger Entries screen.
  2. If you have sufficient authorisation, click the Delete button in the row of the transaction you want to delete.
  3. Determine whether you need to reset the ledger's balances (see below).

Each transaction record stores a ledger balance value, calculated by incrementing the balance on the previous transaction when the record is inserted, as a sanity check. If a transaction value is altered on any record, then all records for the ledger need to be recalculated and reset.

Follow these steps to reset a ledger's balances:

  1. First, follow the steps described in the fourth procedure of this topic to display the List Ledger Entries screen.
  2. Click the Reset Balances button above the filter options to perform the reset operation for this ledger.
2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:23