Use this screen to list all ledgers, which record revenue payments, grouped and subtotalled by currency. To access the screen, select Accounting > List Ledgers from the system options.
Each row shows the name and current balance of a ledger in a currency grouping. Click an entry in the Ledger Description column to display the List Ledger Entries screen. Note that the naming of Marketing Ledgers requires some further refinement, so currently there appear to be a number of duplicate entries on the screen. However, if you hover the mouse pointer over these Ledger Descriptions, you will see each refers to a unique id value.
The current balance and cashable balance of all player accounts are also subtotalled at the end of each currency section. Click the List link in the currency subtotal row to display the List Player Ledgers screen. [email protected]: |
2017 AliQuantum Gaming v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:28 |