>>: Procedures > Miscellaneous > Examining platform statistics

Examining platform statistics

Various system statistics are available for a specified range of data.

This topic is aimed at platform owner management staff who are authorised to access performance reporting and statistics.

Follow these steps to view system statistics:

  1. Select Admin Utilities > System Statistics from the system options to display the View System Statistics screen.
  2. Enter the data range required for Period, Affiliate, Brand, Marketing Code, and Currency. Note that the currency values have the following meanings:
    * Combined. Uses the 'current' exchange rates to convert currency values to the selected Base Currency and presents all data in that currency.
    * Currency e.g. 'Euros'. Includes only transactions of that currency in the statistics.
    * All. Includes transactions of all currencies in the statistics, with a tab provided for each currency.
  3. Tick the checkboxes of the statistics to show, then click the View button at the bottom of the selection area. A summary of the data provided for each checkbox is listed in the table below.

The Currency Conversion Rates statistic set is only shown if you selected 'Combined' currencies above, but the Income from Games set is always generated. Further sets are generated as specified by the checkboxes.

Checkbox Statistic Set and links.
n/a Currency Conversion Rate.
n/a Income from Games. Click a game name in the Game column to display the View Game Stats screen as a pop-up. Click the bracketed 'A' in the Game column to display the List Game Stats Actions screen as a pop-up. Hover over the '%' sign in this column to show the percentage Affiliate Game Provider Charge and percentage GEP Game Provider Charge for the associated game as a tooltip.
Transfers External System Transfers.
Payments Payments Received, Charge Backs and Payouts. Click a provider name in the Payment Provider column to display the List Payment Method Transactions screen for the associated provider and payment method as a pop-up. Hover over the '%' sign in this column to show the Payment Provider Payout Cost: n.nn per transaction plus n.nn% for the associated payment provider as a tooltip.
Test Payments Test Payments. Click an entry in the Payment Provider column to display the List Payment Method Transactions screen for the associated provider and payment method as a pop-up.
Adjustments Adjustments. Click an entry in the Adjustments column to display the View Current Adjustments screen for the associated adjustment type as a pop-up.
Player Balances Player Balances.
Ledger Entry Breakdown Ledger Entry Breakdown.
Jackpots Jackpot Information.
Bonuses Bonusing. Click an entry in the Bonus Name column to display the List Stats Incentive Scheme Uses screen for the associated bonus as a pop-up. Click an entry in the Awarded column to display the List Stats Incentive Scheme Awards screen for the associated bonus as a pop-up.
Misc Stats Misc Statistics.
Game Type Totals Game Type Summary, Game Category Summary and Game Category/Type Summary.
Show Game Provider Totals Game Provider Summary.
Show Average Bet Stats Income from Games with extra columns. Click a game name in the Game column to display the View Game Stats screen as a pop-up. Click the bracketed 'A' in the Game column to display the List Game Stats Actions screen as a pop-up. Hover over the '%' sign in this column to show the percentage Affiliate Game Provider Charge and percentage GEP Game Provider Charge for the associated game as a tooltip.
2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:23